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Anna Paoletti

Marketing Coordinator

Phone: +390575788948

Office: Piazza Torre di Berta 4 - 52037 Sansepolcro (AR)

Spoken languages     

Anna was born and grew up in Tuscany where she currently lives with her family.

After graduating in Languages, she obtained a three-year university degree in “Languages and intercultural communication” and, subsequently, a master's university degree in "Modern Languages and Literatures and Foreign Languages for International Communication" with full marks.

In 2012 she joined Romolini Immobiliare as manager of German translations as well as assistant for German-speaking clients.

Anna is appreciated by both clients and colleagues for her sweet and reserved character as well as for the dedication and precision which she carries out her work with.

She loves traveling, art, cinema, reading and she loves cats.


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